This section will describe how we can consume messages and user Supervisor to control these consumers.
Included in the Framework Bundle is a Symfony Command that is for consuming message from a queue:
An example of this command being used would be as follows:
php app/console smartesb:consumer:start queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping --killAfter=200
or the follow for our dev environment
php app/dev_console smartesb:consumer:start queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping --killAfter=200
The queue queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping
is where the Command will try to consume from.
The option --killAfter=200
tells the command to stop running after it has processed 200 messages.
The queue mnetioned above will be mapped to the route api://execute/skeleton/v0/asyncping
that is the “from” part of the flow defined in app/config/flows/AsyncPing.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:camel="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
<from uri="api://execute/skeleton/v0/asyncping"/>
<to uri="rest://remote_system_api/sendPingMessage" />
The mapping of queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping
to api://execute/skeleton/v0/asyncping
happens in another flow definition: app/config/flows/apiAsync.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
<from uri="queue://api/{priority}/{apiService}/{apiVersion}/{apiMethod}" customId="true" id="read_api_queue">
<to uri="api://execute/{apiService}/{apiVersion}/{apiMethod}" customId="true" id="execute_api_method_async">
<description>Main API endpoint</description>
<!-- Note that we are not handling callbacks here in the skeleton bundle. -->
<stop customId="true" id="null_callback_end"/>
When a message is consumed, the consume Command will look at its Itinerary and decide what it should do with the message. Here are the contents of a ping message that was sent to RabbitMq:
"_type": "Smartbox\\Integration\\FrameworkBundle\\Components\\Queues\\QueueMessage",
"body": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\Integration\\FrameworkBundle\\Core\\Messages\\Message",
"body": {
"_type": "SmartboxSkeletonBundle\\Entity\\PingMessage",
"message": "Ping",
"timestamp": "1541492371"
"context": {
"values": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\SerializableArray",
"array": {
"api_mode": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\StringType",
"value": "real"
"from": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\StringType",
"value": "api://entry/skeleton/v0/asyncping"
"priority": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\StringType",
"value": "normal"
"transaction_id": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\StringType",
"value": "5be14e93ba7bb2.45350727"
"version": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\StringType",
"value": "0"
"headers": {
"api_mode": "real",
"async": "true",
"from": "api://entry/skeleton/v0/asyncping"
"context": {
"values": {
"_type": "Smartbox\\CoreBundle\\Type\\SerializableArray",
"array": {}
"headers": {
"destination": "dev/api_async/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping",
"expiration": "86400000",
"expires": "1541578771000",
"from": "queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping",
"priority": "4",
"ttl": "86400"
Note that the “destination” matches the queue that we have sent this to in RabbitMq:
Also worth noting is the body that is sent, it is a serialized representation of our Entity SmartboxSkeletonBundle\\Entity\\PingMessage
In practice we advise that you use the “killAfter” option so that consumers will exit after processing a certain amount of message. In conjunction with this we also recommend that you have process control system like Supervisord to rerun the consumer.
To install supervisor on Ubuntu use the following:
sudo apt-get install supervisor
To create a consumer that will be controlled by supervisord, we can add a .conf file to the supervisor configurations directory. For example:
which would contain contents as follows:
process_name = %(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d
autostart = true
autorestart = true
command = php app/console smartesb:consumer:start queue://api/normal/skeleton/v0/asyncping --killAfter=200
stdout_logfile = /home/mel/stdout.log
stderr_logfile = /home/mel/stderr.log
startretries = 10
user = mel
Note that the value numprocs=10
means that supervisor will attempt to always run 10 instances/processes of the program.