How FlowsBuilder compiler pass works

One key factor in being able to translate the Apache Camel xml flows into Symfony services is the FlowsBuilder compiler pass. This is executed when the Symfony container is generated, the first time the application is executed.

Processor definition registry

The first thing that happens in this compiler pass is to get the list of the different ProcessorDefinition the bundle supports. A ProcessorDefintion is a service that defines how a particular element in the Apache Camel xml flow needs to be parsed. For instance a multicast element in the xml flow will be parsed in a different way than a recipientList element. All these ProcessorDefintion services are defined in CamelConfig, in the file Resources/config/services.yml, and are tagged with the name smartesb.definitions, which is the tag name the compiler pass uses to find these services. See below some examples:

    class: Smartbox\Integration\CamelConfigBundle\ProcessorDefinitions\MulticastDefinition
     - { name: smartesb.definitions, nodeName: multicast }
     - [setProcessorClass, ["Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\Routing\Multicast"]]

    class: Smartbox\Integration\CamelConfigBundle\ProcessorDefinitions\PipelineDefinition
     - { name: smartesb.definitions, nodeName: pipeline }
     - [setProcessorClass, ["Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\Routing\Pipeline"]]

    class: Smartbox\Integration\CamelConfigBundle\ProcessorDefinitions\RecipientListDefinition
     - { name: smartesb.definitions, nodeName: recipientList }
     - [setEvaluator, ["@smartesb.util.evaluator"]]
     - [setProcessorClass, ["Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\Routing\RecipientList"]]

Another important point, when these services are defined is the addition of the nodeName. This is the name that the node has in the flow xml file, as you can see in the following example for multicast and pipeline.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
            <from uri="api://execute/skeleton/v0/broadcastping"/>
            <multicast strategyRef="fireAndForget">
                    <to uri="rest://remote_system_api/sendPingMessage">
                        <description>Sends a ping message to remote_system_api</description>

With these ProcessorDefintion the next stage is to register these in the processorDefintionRegistry. This service will be used in other steps of the complier pass to get references of these definitions.

Flows directory and flows version

Once all this has been done, the next stage is to get the directories and the version of the flows xml files that should be loaded in the application. The flows_directories and frozen_flows_directory fields are defined in CamelConfig config and the flows_version is defined in FrameworkBundle config. To get these, the compiler pass is getting the extension class of both bundles…

// This loads the class DependencyInjection/SmartboxIntegrationCamelConfigExtension.php from CamelConfig bundle
$extension = $container->getExtension('smartbox_integration_camel_config');

// This loads the class DependencyInjection/SmartboxIntegrationFrameworkExtension.php from Framework bundle
$frameworkExtension = $container->getExtension('smartbox_integration_framework');

… and from these 2 classes, the compiler pass will call different methods to get this information.

Current flows

The third step in this process is to load the current version of the flows if the flow version setup doesn’t belong to any frozen flow version.

In this step, the first thing that happens is to get all the xml filenames inside the flows_directories path. For each xml file, the compiler pass will load the content of the xml file and will try to build the flow using Itineraries and Processors. In a flow xml file we can find 3 different elements:

  • “from” uri node
  • “to” uri node (Endpoint)
  • another kind of node like multicast, recipientList, pipeline, transformer and so on. (Processor)

This can be observed in the following example:

<from uri="api://execute/skeleton/v0/broadcastping"/> <!-- "from" uri node -->
<multicast strategyRef="fireAndForget"> <!-- "multicast" processor -->
    <pipeline> <!-- "pipeline" processor -->
        <to uri="rest://remote_system_api/sendPingMessage"> <!-- "to" uri node -->
            <description>Sends a ping message to remote_system_api</description>

Each flow will have a unique name inside the application. This name is based on the name of the flow file and the version of the flow. The way to connect all the xml nodes in a flow is through Itineraries. An Itinerary (full namespace Smmartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Itinerary\Itinerary) is a service where a list of processor ids are stored. Each xml node has a processor id after the flow is built and the Itinerary tells which is the next step to be executed in a flow.

For each flow, a main Itinerary is generated assigning the uri defined in the from xml node.

If an xml node is referring to the to uri node, then an EndpointProcessor is built assigning the to uri, generating and and registering a processor id for that endpoint that will be added to the Itinerary.

If an xml node is referring to something different than the from or to uri nodes, then a Processor is built. To determine which Processor needs to be built, the compiler pass will use the processorDefintionRegistry service mentioned early to try to get the Definition of that node. With that Definition, the compiler pass knows how that xml node needs to be parsed and configured, so that, at the end the Processor can be built with a processor id that will be added to the Itinerary. For instance, if the xml node is defined as multicast, then the compiler pass will get the MulticastDefinition and from there the MulticastProcessor will be built.

Frozen flows

The last step executed in the FlowsBuilder compiler pass is to load the different frozen versions of the flows that are defined in frozen_flows_directory, the same way it loaded the current version of the flows.

Built flow example

If we take the example of the broadcastping flow xml mentioned before in this documentation, at the end of the compiler pass execution we will have something like the following in appProjectContainer.php file /app/cache folder

Associate the from uri of the xml node to the main Itinerary id

protected function getSmartesb_Map_ItinerariesService()
    $this->services[''] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Configurability\Routing\ItinerariesMap();
    $instance->addItinerary('v0-api://execute/skeleton/v0/broadcastping', '_sme_it_v0.v0_broadcast_ping'); // Main Itinerary id

    return $instance;

Main Itinerary created for that particular flow

protected function getSmeItV0_V0BroadcastPingService()
    $this->services['_sme_it_v0.v0_broadcast_ping'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Itinerary\Itinerary('v0_broadcast_ping'); // Unique flow name

    $instance->id = '_sme_it_v0.v0_broadcast_ping';
    $instance->addProcessorId('v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_1'); // Next step to be executed in the flow

    return $instance;

First step in the Itinerary, defined as next step in the main Itinerary. In this case is to execute the Multicast processor

protected function getV0_SmePrBroadcastPing1Service()
    $this->services['v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_1'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\Routing\Multicast();

    $instance->id = 'v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_1';
    $instance->addItinerary($this->get('_sme_it_v0.v0.010fa5ac574e2312fd000e5994a5e222b0fc23d1')); // New itinerary added for pipeline node

    return $instance;

Sub Itinerary defined related to the pipeline node

protected function getSmeItV0_V0_010fa5ac574e2312fd000e5994a5e222b0fc23d1Service()
    $this->services['_sme_it_v0.v0.010fa5ac574e2312fd000e5994a5e222b0fc23d1'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Itinerary\Itinerary('v0.010fa5ac574e2312fd000e5994a5e222b0fc23d1');

    $instance->id = '_sme_it_v0.v0.010fa5ac574e2312fd000e5994a5e222b0fc23d1';
    $instance->addProcessorId('v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_2'); // Next step to be executed in the flow

    return $instance;

Second step in the Itinerary, defined as next step in the sub Itinerary of the pipeline node. In this case is to execute the Pipeline processor

protected function getV0_SmePrBroadcastPing2Service()
    $this->services['v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_2'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\Routing\Pipeline();

    $instance->id = 'v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_2';

    return $instance;

Sub Itinerary defined related to the to node

protected function getSmeItV0_V0_422cc2456d19812c769153fead550a26b388687aService()
    $this->services['_sme_it_v0.v0.422cc2456d19812c769153fead550a26b388687a'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Itinerary\Itinerary('v0.422cc2456d19812c769153fead550a26b388687a');

    $instance->id = '_sme_it_v0.v0.422cc2456d19812c769153fead550a26b388687a';
    $instance->addProcessorId('v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_3'); // Next step to be executed in the flow

    return $instance;

Third, and last step in the Itinerary, defined as next step in the sub Itinerary of the to node. In this case is to execute the Endpoint processor

protected function getV0_SmePrBroadcastPing3Service()
    $this->services['v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_3'] = $instance = new \Smartbox\Integration\FrameworkBundle\Core\Processors\EndpointProcessor();

    $instance->id = 'v0._sme_pr_broadcast_ping_3';
    $instance->setDescription('Sends a ping message to remote_system_api');

    return $instance;